Sedric Thomas Camden def John Villari PVI 6-3, 6-2
Jimmy Connelly PVI def Alex Negron 6-0, 6-0
Anthony Ragone PVI def Frankie Rodriguez 6-0, 6-0
John Chavez and Patrick Villarante PVI def Chris Mosby and Denzel Walker 6-0, 6-0
Henry Laigaie and Jim Burns PVI def Jose Mendarte and Joe Enriquez 6-0, 6-0
These were my best pictures this season. I had NO fence-line in my way and I kept my digital camera on the 'SIMPLE MODE.' I got close to the action and it showed. I think I have learned my lesson per the camera for the rest of the season. I am learning and getting better with my camera each and everyday.
Enjoy the pictures, many of our team members and specifically seniors(OblitierAsian/John&Pat)who got an opportunity to be in the varsity line-up for the first time this season. I know all the varsity regulars were thrilled to see them get such a moment. They sat back, pour themselves coach's new blend of 'black & white' ice tea, and cheered on their PVI tennis brothers. They also played that game they love, between cheering and sipping.
Do get the 'Courier Post' tomorrow and you'll see all your names in the box score, just look in the 'Sports Section' and you'll find it.
Jim Burns owns the net with a crisp volley
Lady Of Lourdes Hospital in the distance - Who knows which saint this is? There may be a prize if you do. Tell me tomorrow.
Pat and John aka 'ObliterAsian' are in the house and looking fierce with their tennis racquets
Johnny returning serve against a very good Sedric Thomas
Johnny returning serve from the 'Ad Court'
A great shot along the net line
Hank and Jim feeling confident
Anthony serving with gusto
Jim and his Camden opponent pose for the blog photo-op