Mark McShane PVI d Eric Mintz 6-3, 6-0
Marcos Lamberto PVI d Matt Lieve 6-4, 6-4
Jim Connelly and Nick Lamberto PVI d Ed Rohn and Jeremy Muhr 6-2, 6-3
Mitchel Rodgers and John Villari PVI d Bobby Bohny and Jamie Gillespie 6-2, 6-2
With our win today over Bishop Eustace, Paul VI has won the 2011 Olympic Conference National Division title. Our National Division record now stands at 5-0, and neither Bishop Eustace nor Seneca can match such by season's end.
We have beaten both schools twice this season. Last season we split our two matches with Seneca, wherein we have won 5 of the last 6 matches we've played against Bishop Eustace. Nick and Marcos also won last season's National Division doubles title against Bishop Eustace.
We shared the team title last year with Seneca, but now it is ours alone. The last time and only other time Paul VI won back to back Olympic Conferences titles was '94 & '95. '94 and '95 were the first and second Olympic Conference boys tennis titles that Paul VI won.
Dave Eves, the Courier Post writer, who's time covering tennis this season has been cut due to budget concerns, sends his congrats. He will do a write-up this week and just sent me an email stating such, which I will paste and put here. Mr Villari was curious about some press for our title clinching win today, a good point for sure, and now thanks to Dave we will.
I want to put something in the notebook this week on your Olympic Conference title. Just email me back at and let me know the best time and number to reach you at tomorrow (Wednesday) night. Thanks coach, and congratulations.
Dave Eves
Terry on the attack and toward the net
Mark and Johnny have their game faces on
Mark sees the ball and he'll be the ball
Jimmy Connelly and Nick formed a pretty darn good doubles team for the first time this season. Jimmy's confidence with his tennis game is growing right before our eyes. He's letting his racquet do the work, and his game looks that much smoother and consistent. Something as described is the essence of why I show up everyday to be your tennis coach.
If it is the improvement of one of our team members or even Bishop Eustace's, it is a pleasure to witness. I spoke to Jay(Eustace's #1 singles) and Matt(Eustace's #3) after their matches today and took a moment to compliment each. I have now seen both many times over the past three seasons. I love the heart, drive and determination that each shows every time they have played us. It is a blast, as a coach, to see such individual improvement of any student athlete on our team or whomever we compete against.
Johnny and Mitch were our first point on the scoreboard
Marcos filled in at third singles and looked real good. You could really sense his confidence against a determined Matt Lieve. He won in straight sets.. 6-4,6-4.
Jim Burns and Anthony Ragone looked pretty darn good for playing as a team for the first time this season. They won and were quite happy after the match.
Matt Corbett in deep thought on how to approach his next point against his Bishop Eustace opponent.