Bill Tilden(left)- best player, 1st half of the 20th century
Rene Lacoste(right) - one of best French players of all time
and the man who birthed the polo shirts with alligators
you all must have seen or may have. link is a history lesson
We worked on our return of serve today, and as always our footwork. We did our sprints, wherein we haven't done the mile run in a week. We mixed in the deep knee bends and carioca movements. Please view the simple and short video tips below, as these are also things that I have spoke of before. WHEN WE'RE AT THE NET AND THE BALL IS IN THE AIR OUR FEET ARE MOVING!!! WHEN THE BALL IS IN THE AIR OUR FEET ARE MOVING!!!
doubles communication
Ball is in the air my feet are moving
Return of Serve Positioning