This is the super comfortable and well made track jacket which Mr Burns assisted in purchasing from MBM Sports, at the end of last season. I love it and I strongly encourage you order a hoodie or a sweatshirt so you can look darn cool walking the halls of PVI representing the tennis team. Mr Burns and I agree that parents, or even grandparents will look just as cool with a hoodie or sweatpants representing the tennis team. The PVI Tennis Team is now pretty gosh darn COOL.
Anyone is encouraged to order such. Mr Burns only has 4 orders thus far and may not be able to complete the order. SO PLEASE contact him soon if you are interested, wherein we'd like to get the apparel back within 2 weeks. See the order form below and Jim's contact info.
To All,
In case you missed the first email on April 8th, please read below. If you are interested, please give me your order by the end of the week.
Jim Burns
I stopped at MBM sports to get a quote on sweats and hoodies for this season. MBM Sports is the place we ordered from last year.
The cost of sweatpants (draw string at waist and elastic at bottom) is $14.50. On the left leg will be PAUL VI TENNIS with two rackets. We can order the sweats in either navy or royal color and the lettering is white. The team can vote on what color they would prefer. Minimum order is 20.
The cost of gray hoodies (pull over) is $22.50. On the front will be PAUL VI TENNIS in blue lettering with white borders. Minimum order is 12.
This is not limited to just the players....if parents want to order them for themselves or other family members it would show great support for the Paul VI tennis program.
It will take about two weeks from the time of order for us to get them from MBM Sports.
Please email me asap and let me know if you are interested and what you want to order (including size).
Please pass your order (see below form) and your payment to my son Jim. Checks are to be made out to MBM Sports.
Jim Burns
Name :_________________
Sweatpants : Qty_____ x $14.50 = ___________ Sizes/Qty (Adult Small___) (Adult Medium_____) (Adult Large_____)
Hoodies : Qty______x $22.50 =____________ Sizes/Qty (Adult Small___) (Adult Medium_____) (Adult Large_____)
Total Dollar Amount $_____________
Jim Burns