Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Less Running ... Hip Hip Horray ... Volley Vids ... Please Watch

I guess I am getting soft in my old age, as I don't like to sweat as much as I once did. I do a bunch of small and large group tennis instruction for most of the summer. By the end of the summer I've spent a good portion of the previous 2 months, and say 5 hours each day covered in sweat.

So you guys won today as we ran less than we normally do. That said I see the upcoming weather forecast wherein today may have been the last of the really hot days of the year. We'll run again and the temperature will be much lower. I promise to toughen up my new soft self.

Please watch the short vids to give you a different and enhanced visual aspect of the learning we've been doing with the Volley. Please email me your challenge match scores and opponents so I have a record of such.

Volley With Your Feet

Volley with your eyes - See Volley Ready position - your base may not be as big as the instructor in the video