Friday, February 19, 2010

Tennis Specific Core Workout

I did some searching and I found a tennis specific core workout video. I found one without a medicine ball. Many tennis specific core workout videos used that same medicine ball Mr White had us use yesterday. I imagine some of you might not have a medicine ball lying around. I would love for you to start this workout exactly as she does it with the amount of reps she says. It should take you no more than 10 mins a day.

The tennis player seen here performs about 6-8 tennis specific core and balance exercises in the video. You'll notice that some of these exercises are similar to the one's you did on Thursday. One is the exact same as the medicine ball bit, butt balanced, feet in the air and moving the ball from one side to the other.

This is something I neglected last year but is oh so important for this sport and the others some of you might play. Do it cause it'll help you tennis game, and or make you feel good about how you look. Do it cause its a necessary compliment to any strength training many of you might now do. Whatever the reason, you don't need to go crazy, but do get into a routine.

We're only meeting once a week for the next few weeks, so the workout we did while nice, needs to be done with a little more frequency as Mr White would attest to. He did a great job helping us on Thursday. He's there everyday after school, same spot, and i'm certain he'd answer any questions you may have or help you with a workout.

He's Paul VI's staff trainer, wherein he has private clients that pay him good money for his services outside of Paul VI. Your very lucky to have his wisdom and guidance.

I know two of you at our session the other day, who haven't played much tennis, and that is perfectly fine cause I have an important component of my program to help kick start your tennis game. I mentioned to each of you about staying behind next Thursday, so we can set up my 'Tennis Ball Tree,' and begin work on your forehand and backhand groundstrokes. Many of last year's team members are familiar with the tree so ask them if you so desire.

It's my invention, that I'm at the end of the patent process on. In a future post I'll show you some documentation between myself and the USPTO. I've been using it to teach large group and private tennis lessons for the past 4 years. It'll help to speed up your learning, as it did for many from last year's team. We can set it up in the Cafeteria or Gym. Per the Tree's usage remember the terms spacing, muscle memory and sense memory.

We'll be done by 445 for you(4 for the others,) and if anyone else needs this instruction feel free to stay. My goal is to have you caught up so to speak, so we can go right into the feeding and drills once the snow thaws and we're on our courts. I have a few spare racquets, if needed.

I can't wait, we have a good group of guys, and i'm excited to get started. If you buy into the program, and understand that i'm here to gently push you to learn and succeed. Then I promise i'll do anything I can to help you experience individual success on the courts this season. I also promise to do anything I can to help you at anytime in the future. If not, well .. let's hope not. I know your all here for the right reasons.

To challenge yourself to work hard and compete, with much personal satisfaction and confidence waiting for you at many points along the way. A journey of a season awaits us all with a good group of your PVI brothers, that you'll share a bond with, whether your in the same social circle or not ... AND to learn tennis 'a sport for a lifetime.'