Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Return of Serve And The Split Step

We had a great practice today, and it was great to see the sun. We had some tough challenge matches and I truly understand the nervousness they present to you. We are at the end of said challenges matches now. We have some doubles challenge matches still to play. Tomorrow we will start right after-school and must end at 5pm sharp, moreover we'll talk about a Friday or Saturday practice that I felt strong about having considering all the time we missed due to rain.

Here are some 1 minute videos on the return of serve and split step to give you a visual that can ENHANCE the learning. I always have heard and now believe that such visual learning is both successful and powerful.

That this type of learning translates well to all and thus easier for you to replicate on the court. This is why I have done so many blog entries now that I've learned how to use this computer and embed the videos here. A point to that, I have completed scanning with Norton, all the videos and pictures you see here on the blog. Its been fun and I really hope all of you are checking in on it daily, and watching the video tips. The split step tips you'll see here are a case in point to the visual learning.

I truly believe if you are it will be part of your success here this season. I am psyched as I truly am not in awe of anyone we will compete against this season. You should never be in awe of ANYONE you play. That is a very bad way to play tennis. Don't be in awe before, during or after the match. In fact I want to remind you to act or be a little cocky, even if it doesn't come natural. This is a great way to approach tennis competition/match play. This is something that i'd remind the girls team about.

I insist you be a little cocky, but in a way that isn't arrogant, mean or entirely outward. I believe in you 100% and you should understand this. Think your "INNER VOICE," from the previous mental video tip. But remember I'm your coach and will continue to challenge you in a good way to be better than you think you are. Please understand that statement when I ask you do something.

If anyone doesn't believe me and thinks I'm being to tough or to honest, and thus needs a hug. Sincerely, I'd be more than happy to give a hug at anytime for any reason. If I hadn't said it before i'll say it here now, as your parents may have said such to you once. "Firm yet nurturing," is a motto I go by. I say such to the parents of students in my private and group lessons that I teach in the surrounding area. For two + hours each day your kind of like my kids. Believe it or not I worry about you and your well being when your not at tennis.

1st video - split step
2nd video - return of serve
3rd video - split step

all are less than a minute as usual