Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow, Bet Your Bottom Dollar That Tomorrow, They'll Be Sun !!!

Until then enjoy this great video of Andre Agassi and Roger Federer playing tennis on a special court at the top of a enormous hotel in Dubai(middle east). You'll see sun, boats and beaches. You'll sense its warm where they are, and it'll make you THINK of the SUN that is almost here.

Tomorrow we will meet right afterschool for our practice, as the school where I do my afterschool indoor program has off this week. We'll run practice till 545. We've missed so much, so we'll go a little latter. I wish we could have gone indoors today but many Paul VI teams, of different seasons vie and have scheduled time for the gym space thus it wasn't available.

The other video is of the need to volley with depth. It starts with the volley ready position with your knees bent and your feet alert. You use your lower extremities, your legs, knees and POSTURE to assure that deep volley. WATCH his and think your FEET, KNEES & POSTURE please. Have a long follow through on your volley, not a short one. Notice his follow through in the video, and hear him mention that.

These are all points I've made MANY times while instructing and feeding you practice volleys. I want all of you to always volley deep in the court, this is a very good thing. It puts more pressure on your opponent to make a difficult shot. While giving you more time to prepare and likely sets you up for an easier next shot. Your opponent may frequently make an unforced error if you volley deep. I'm thrilled to have found this tennis tip.

1st video - dubai extreme tennis
2nd video- David Wheaton - Volley with Depth - former top 5 in the world - aka The Minnetonka Mauler